Has anyone come across Truetube?
According to the background info its for young adults
From its background info:
Truetube provides a safe, pre-moderated platform for 12-25 year olds to use the internet and advances in streaming video technology, to encourage them to think, discuss and engage with moral and ethical issues that matter for this generation, inspiring them to become involved in changing the world that we all inhabit for the better
What do you think?
Interesting site. Very well designed, and with great potential for debating many issues in the classroom. Also a fantastic stimulus for teenagers to make their own documentaries. Delved a wee bit deeper to find out more about the people behind the site. 'truetube' is the trading name for 'The Foundation for Christian Communications Ltd'. Being a certified heathen, this initially made me a little suspect. But they make TV and Radio programmes under the name CTVC. www.ctvc.co.uk Lots of interesting material for TV and Radio over the years.
Certainly a good model for the type of colaborative approach that Glow should be aspiring towards. Thanks for the link!
This looks excellent. Although like Mr M, I'm a bit worried about the Christian connection. However, if this is accessible within the school network then it can only be a positive thing.
There's definitely a lot of scope with it, especially in terms of creating some rich tasks and also just for making the kids more aware and active with what's going on.
Great find Ian
Mr M
I have done a little background checking myself. CTVC has a background in the socially aware and responsible side of the cristian community. Rather than the hellfire and damnation side.
Andy W
It works fine within A&B :-)
I have contacted the company about embedding video's and they would like to develop this use.
I was thinking of using wiki's round a specific issue and using the video's within the wiki as a starter.
Pupils from a range of schools and backgrounds perhaps could change and adapt the wiki will having discussions about the topic.
What do you think?
Hi there,
I was just searching around on the internet and came across your blog. I work for TrueTube and would like to thank you for your kind comments on the site. It is true that the company behind TT, called CTVC, was FORMERLY the Foundation for Christian Communication, but this has changed – CTVC’s remit is not religious, but to produce moral, ethical broadcasting under a public social broadcast remit. CTVC make films and documentaries for TV and Radio which cover all religions and faith bases.
But that is not what TrueTube is about. We want to break down the barriers to communication that exist for young people and enfranchise them to make a positive difference for the future. Working with schools and teachers in particular is one way to do this.
Please don’t be suspicious because of the history of the company that funds us, but judge us on what we are doing now to help young people make a difference. We’d love to see some films from your classes on the site, have a look at the teachers resource packs where you’ll find lots of ideas for classroom activities along with a range of lesson plans.
Please fell free to give us more opinions on the site and what we can do to make it better for you to use, it is currently being redeveloped so if you have idea’s for what you’d like to see incorporated, now is the time to let us know.
Best wishes, Stuart Porter, TrueTube
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