I have just watched this video on the wonderful TED
Its for the worldwide telescope project looks like a really interesting way for presenting the Universe to pupils.
To record and get feedback from the world regarding Islay High Schools move down the ICT route
I have just watched this video on the wonderful TED
Its for the worldwide telescope project looks like a really interesting way for presenting the Universe to pupils.
Has anyone come across Truetube?
According to the background info its for young adults
From its background info:
Truetube provides a safe, pre-moderated platform for 12-25 year olds to use the internet and advances in streaming video technology, to encourage them to think, discuss and engage with moral and ethical issues that matter for this generation, inspiring them to become involved in changing the world that we all inhabit for the better
What do you think?
Should we even bother asking teachers? by ZDNet's Christopher Dawson -- I posted the first part of my evaluation of an Apple MacBook for an educational deployment Wednesday morning (MacBooks - to deploy or not to deploy, part 1). While of course sparking the usual Mac vs. PC talk, one reader made an interesting point: Are teachers asked what they think of their desk? The kids’ [...]
Its an interesting point of view.
What do you think?
I am sitting at TeachMeet North in Perth's Dewers Ice Rink.
About 30 people have turned up to share and listen to each other. with another load
Neil, very kindly, got me to present first.
My talk was about what we are doing at Islay.... surprise, surprise.... in particular the use UMPC's and OneNote.
It was a bit of a gabble but what is to be expected if you only have 7 mins
As a School of Ambition and Excellence we are some way down the route of these 4 strands
1. Developing the leadership potential and capacity of the whole school, Staff and Pupils 2. Introducing Vocational Courses to the curriculum 3. Removing the age and stage restrictions from the certificated courses. 4. Developing the use of ICT to support the curriculum
I am heavily involved with the ICT strand so that is what I will be talking about mainly. Though, of course, the other strands will be brought in as well. So what are we planning in the ICT Strand?
Every Teacher has a Tablet PC A wireless network Wireless Projectors in every teaching area A presentation space in the Assembly Hall A Media Server A Class Server Existing courses digitised S1 'Benchmarked' for IC3 Giving them individual curriculum in S1/2 Once these are in place then give every pupil a UMPC computer
All of these are in Partnership with Microsoft, Dell, Diageo (Large local employer) and Prodigy (Certiport solution provider).
Maybe more partners in the future We have just started down this route. I am sure we will have lots of challenges ahead.