I feel like its been a long time since my last update. The reason for this is its because its been a long since my last update.
This is not because I have been away and lounging on a beach but because we have been getting everything together for the new term.
I am not going to update everything in one go but here is the trailer for my next few posts.
- Wireless Panasonic projectors installed with speakers and wall plates for wired connections
- setup 245 Samsung Q1's with
- Office 2007 pro
- MS OneNote Which is brilliant!
- FreeMind
- Windows XP Tablet
- MS Calculator
- Security and PAT labels
- Prepared the existing servers
- Prepared training guides for pupils and staff
- Prepare the Acceptable Use Policies
- Installed lockers
Still to finish off:
- Setup additional servers with:
Now I have written it down it seems not much but I know how much work has been done by the support staff.
We also have 5 NQT's, 1 full time member of staff, and 2 members of staff who are returning from maternity leave. I have spent a lot of time with them in a support role.
The 2 returning members of staff have stated they think they have returned to the wrong school. I think that was a complement.