Over the last year we have been offering various informal courses. These courses have been things like Art and Crafts, Archaeology, film making, film appreciation, conversational Spanish, and many others. Wednesday and Friday afternoons are interesting times to visit the school. These changed several times over the year. This time has been created because of the efficiency of teaching to a particular stage rather than to an age. It also provided time when whole school events could be run without cutting into certificate classes.
The school has been reflecting on these afternoons and considering allowing some to run for 1 afternoon a week for the full year.
I have been thinking through a couple of things I might offer.
A computer graphics course:
Whole year
Introduce basic skills in photo editing, 3D graphics/CAD, animation, and a few other things. Then set portfolio piece as an outcome
Microsoft Digital Literacy course
Whole year
Introduce basic computer literacy's http://www.microsoft.com/education/msitacademy/benefits/digitalliteracy.mspx
Possible MS Academy courses as extensions http://www.microsoft.com/uk/education/learning/academy/default.mspx
DIY Woodworking skills
Repeated 3 times throughout the year.
I miss teaching practical skills
E-Safety Course
Repeated 3 times throughout the year
Give CEOP training
All of these are thoughts at the moment and I am looking feedback on what your thoughts