Tuesday 4 March 2008

Islay Open Day?

We have been thinking about having an open day to show what we are doing here in Islay High School. mainly for the ICT but also for the Vocational Courses and our subject/timetable changes.

Locally we have a bit of interest but what I need to know is a the numbers who would be interested in coming from the mainland in Mid June.

The sort of thing we are thinking about is:

Off islanders arrive either by Ferry (See Travel Details Below) or by Plane.

Several demonstrations/workshops on what is being done within the school.

Bowmore Distillery (About 200m from the school) would let us use the visitors suite for refreshments and maybe a teachmeet?

People can leave in the evening or stay overnight for a quiet time bird watching {cough}


Ferry by Calmac

2hrs 15mins

Kennacraig is just over 2hrs drive from Glasgow

First Ferry is at 7am then the next is at 9-45am

Costs: approx £15 per person £80 for a car. Though we would pick people up.

Map image

Flights by BA

From Glasgow 8-30am

35 mins (Depends on wind direction, I have been on a flight of 15 mins)

For those who may want to stay and enjoy the social aspect we have a range of accomodation. From mats in the gym to some very nice hotels.

So how many would be interested in principal?


Unknown said...

How loudly can I type 'YES'? I'd love to come over and see what's been happening 'in situ'. Count me in!

Anonymous said...

Even though I'm not a teacher I'm fascinated by what you're doing there.

Unfortunately the timing most likely won't work for me, but I would even give up a day of my summer holidays (probably end of June or early July) to see what you're doing.

Alan S said...

Knowing how difficult it is to get 'central belters' to come north to Inverness, and, dare I suggest beyond, I take my hat off to you and wish you well. I am an (almost) unreserved YES but dates would have to be suggested and fixed quickly as June's filling up!!!!!!!

islayian said...

School stops at the end of June but I am sure we could set something up for when you are about
Alan S
I will get some details ASAP!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ian,
Sound great. Are you thinking of a weekday or weekend? I guess it would be more interesting on a weekday (children about) but easier to get the time at the weekend.

islayian said...

At the moment I am throwing the idea out there.
As you say, a week day would have more practical examples, a weekend would have more people able to come without bigger problems.

Anonymous said...

Ian. I am not a whisky drinker but I'm sure I could learn.

Although I have no idea what I will be doing or where I will be living in June I would make every effort for this.
Maybe a Friday would be good enabling ppl to stay overnight. It would be hard getting 2 days off skl.

Doug Semple said...


That's an amazing idea.

The evening may also provide a fantastic opportunity for a unique TeachMeet.


islayian said...

Thanks for the input.
Could I ask people to Spread the word about this?
I need some good numbers as well as the already good people who have blogged.
Suggested date of Friday 6th June?
This is Post exams (at least on Islay) and pre timetable change

Cathkin high school said...

I'd love to come over as well. I has planned to get in touch to try and arrange a visit, having followed your blog and used some of your excellent resources. I'm currently doing a piece of classroom based research on embedding ICT into subject curricula using GLOW.
Would it be possible to have a chat sometime ?

Jaye Richards


Anonymous said...

Hi Ian,

It's looking more and more like I'll be able to get over for this... I may even be able to bring my Depute over as well.

Friday overnight to Saturday would be the easiest to arrange as it would mean the least time away from school...

Very looking forward to the thought of a TeachMeetIslay08... In fact, I can almost see a logo!

Rebecca said...

If I thought that I could get up to you for an open day I'd give you a definate yes.
I lecture at a college in Birmingham and I'm doing some reserch into paperless learning, as I think that this is the way that all learning institutions are going to have to go (if they wwant to or not).
I'm finding some resistance from some people who are used to having a paper "backup" did you experience the same thing?

Nick Hood said...

In principle, it sounds fantastic... depends on (spit) other people who control my life. However, where there's a will....

Would this be all High School focused, or is there likely to be stuff of relevance to Primary Teachers?

I'm gutted that my PPL is lapsed (became a teacher and got nae money)... I often used to fly from Fife to Islay for a cup of tea. Happy to drive, though. There'd be seats to share.

Anonymous said...
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David said...

I would be very interested... but unfortunately the 6th of June clashes with another meeting. Scunner! Maybe another time.

Joe Wilson said...


Your ears will be burning talked you and Islay up at event in Glasgow last week - every school in Scotland should be looking at what you are doing and with the £100 wireless lap-top almost in view more folks should be getting your message.

I am going to get SQA Curriculum for Excellence folks to come and see you.

All the best

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great idea, I will see what I can do to get there.


Doug said...

Would so love to be with you on 13th but ... time and distance prevents ... I do so hope that you all have a terrific day and that you can find the time to tell the rest of us what happened.

Alan Stewart will have to be my proxy visitor !!