Sunday 11 January 2009

Regrets? I have few……….

In 2006 I missed an opportunity. Its not often I look back and ‘I wish I had done that’ but this was definitely one of them.

I was in Glasgow to present at a Conference in Glasgow. Actually myself and Mark Adams from Microsoft were announcing our plans for ICT in Islay High School.

Andrew Brown said I should come through to Edinburgh some people were having a get together after eLive. This is my regret. I declined.

I decided that I should stay in my hotel room in Glasgow and stay focused.

If I had gone I would have been present at the very first TeachMeet and quote Andrew, “About a dozen people, some of whom I had met before, but a great opportunity. I came home on the train the next day very positive and enthusiastic about the future of developing community around the country/world in using technology in education.”

I could have gone and been prepared for the next day. Damn!

I have attended TeachMeet SETT 07, TeachMeet SLF 07 and TeachMeet North directly. Others I have attended virtually. I have even presented virtually.

This week see’s TeachMeet 09 BETT. and things are a little but different from the ‘dozen people’ who were at the first one.

With so far 126 people attending, plus 34 wanting to stand up to talk and 16 people willing to organise or help.

I shall be attending via the Flashmeeting but good luck and wishes to all who will be at the event. And if your going to BETT and not going……… well you may regret it.

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Anonymous said...

It was a shame you couldn't make it through on that day Ian, but it certainly hasn't held you back at all!

Whilst it's great that TeachMeet continues to grow, I do however have one concern - at what point do they get too big? Are they still valuable if the majority are there simply to 'hear'? Is there is no necessity to action?

Anonymous said...

the last line should have said "If there is no necessity to action" :-S

islayian said...

I understand what your saying. I personally hope that the 120+ lurkers will go away and then help organise local teachmeets with no more than about 50 max particpants. And I mean participants not lurkers or watchers