Sunday 31 August 2008

Using Wikispaces

Over the last couple of years I have used Wikispaces and WetPaint to help crate and develop class resources with the classes.

This year I am going to use Wikispaces to develop and display resources from my Intermediate 2 Web Design Class.


This course was developed as part of the DIVA project by the SQA from The Adobe Curriculum

I have found that this a very useful way of making this practical course more real. The only way this can happen is if people come by look and provide feedback. I will be prompting you to go and look and comment on the classes work via this blog and via twitter

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I first used Wetpaint wiki on a collaborative project for a UHI course a couple of years ago. Since then I've made more wiki sites, one for Islay's small archaeology group and one for Islay's senior Gaelic choir with Google sites. I find them easy to use and very convenient (and free).