Sunday 3 June 2007

CPD Development and my left shoe

Last Tuesday I was at a CPD development meeting at the Lighthouse in Glasgow.

The meeting involved teachers and other education professionals to have a 'Think and Do Tank'. They wanted to produce ideas of approaches and methodologies of delivery which would allow them to deliver CPD

The point of the meeting was to look at what the Lighthouse is doing as far as its offerings of CPD to education and what it could do to develop this further.

We had a inputs from the various parts of the Lighthouse Organisation looking at the 6 Cities Design Festival through the Education work to the exhibition work that they do.

The second part of the morning was to look at our ideas.

I really like the way that The Lighthouse approaches idea generation and encourages creative thinking. For example, instead of introducing yourself to everyone in that awkward way, you had to introduce your left shoe. You had say why you bought the shoe, what you like about the shoe, what you would change about the shoe. In fact you are make some design evaluations about a very personal product.

I won't go into too much detail about what we suggested but needless to say online resources and use of ICT were pretty high up their and not just from me either.  



Anonymous said...

I like the shoe idea, it could pretty easily be dropped into school. I'll keep it in mind and maybe try it next year.

islayian said...

I used it yesterday as an introduction to Product Design. Making judgements and Evaluating existing products